(In response to Topics of Conversation)

"Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" -Gone with the Wind
To loosely quote something I heard someone say many years ago, "Touching leads to kissing, which leads to sex, which ultimately leads to talking." Educators and advocates of safe sex often try to scare kid and teens that if they have sex, they could get pregnant. A more effective method would be to point out that once they are done performing the act of sex, they actually do have to communicate with their "significant other," and really, who actually wants to do that?

"Now kids, if you have sex, afterwards she may make you cuddle, and then you'll get Crabs"
There was a time, a better time you might say, when conversation was strictly between similar genders. Men would get together, talk about sports, politics, and other manly things, while women would get together and talk about tea and how they wished they had the right to vote. The few times men and women ever talked with each other, the conversation was strictly surface level and concise. Everyone knew their place, and the world was a better place for it.

"In order to achieve world peace, I think the bedroom should always be connected to the Kitchen"
Then women gained the right to vote, and everything went to shit. All of a sudden those topics of conversation lines between men and women started to blur until, eventually, they no longer existed. All of a sudden we were all thought of as equals! This created a huge problem as to what men and women could talk about. Women wanted to talk freely with their new counterparts while men just wanted to drink beer.
Now, this is usually the part where I tell you all what happened next to right this wrong. Sadly, nothing has happened to change this current predicament we are in. Men are still being forced to have meaningful conversations with women. So I propose that men everywhere stand up to this travesty! No, I mean literally stand up. When a woman starts to have an intellectual conversation with you, just stand up and walk away. Did our founding fathers stand there and take those unfair taxes? No! Did Americans put up with Hitler taking over Europe? Hell No! So the next time a woman starts to talk to you, do the American thing...man up and stand up!
Just stood up and walked away from woman conversation. She called me a jerk. What do I do now?