What is this?

Maybe you got to this blog by clicking "Next Blog" at the top of some blogger site.  Maybe someone linked it to you, or maybe you came here from the Class All Day blog.  Regardless of how you got here, chances are you asking yourself, "What the hell is this?"  Well my friends, the answer is simple, this blog exists to dispel the lies perpetuated by the authors of www.class-allday.blogspot.com

You see, the authors over at that other blog want you to believe that they are experts in mens fashion and lifestyle.  They believe that men these days aren't classy or sophisticated enough.  I, however, believe that this is nonsense!  I believe men are perfect the way we are.  In an effort to combat the lies being spewed by the authors of Class All Day, what you will find here is a rebuttal to each article that they post in order to educate the masses of what is really up.

And remember...While some people are classy by day, they aren't always classy at night.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHA well said brother! But we will always be right. Class All Day is a lifestyle.
